QSR ConnectSmart Kitchen Integration
ConnectSmart Kitchen (CSK) by QSR Automations provides paperless kitchen technology, removing the need for printers and dockets, and optimises production through technology.
Integrates with: PowerEPOS

QSR CSK Integration Summary
Integrating PowerEPOS with CSK will improve your venue's workflow and communication.
- Orders are passed directly from PowerEPOS to CSK eliminating potential lost dockets and improving order accuracy.
- CSK improves the speed of order delivery from the POS to production areas.
- CSK manages the flow of orders coming in from PowerEPOS based on the kitchen’s workload.

- For more info: qsrautomations.com
- Triniteq Price: Contact us for quote
- Reliable internet connection
- PowerEPOS requires Microsoft Windows 7+
- QSR Blog
- QSR Support
- PowerEPOS Training Centre
QSR CSK Integration Features
- Improve order accuracy: Orders are passed directly from PowerEPOS to CSK and delayed routing allows orders to be paced efficiently so you don’t waste time or inventory re-making inaccurate orders.
- Increase speed of service: CSK helps hospitality operations to work smarter by providing better information to team members and managers.
- Manage order flow: Throttle incoming orders based specifically on your kitchen’s actual workload or put a rush on orders that need to get to customers fast.