Posted on 2nd July 2019
8 Advantages of automated reporting
Our new cloud-based, live reporting tool has just been released, so this month we are focussing on the different options Triniteq’s POS system provides to access your data when and where you need it.
As a business owner or manager, you lead a busy life, right? You’re always on the go, wearing many hats and getting pulled in many directions. Plus, if you manage multiple businesses, there are probably multiple people invested in the success of the businesses. So how do you securely get the right information to the right people at the right time, in no time? Automated reporting – it’s a no-brainer.
In this article, we identify 8 reasons why, if you haven't already, you need to get automated reporting set up in your POS software.
1. Save time
Consolidating data, crunching numbers, and creating reports can be time-consuming. Save time by automating your reports. We’ll help you to set up reports which automatically pull together the specific data you need from your POS software and then set up the scheduling of reports.
2. Work from anywhere
Now you don’t need to be at work to know what’s happening in your business. You could be on a sunny beach somewhere enjoying a cocktail. Think about how much time you could free up and perhaps spend on more pleasurable pursuits. Automated reports could help you to get your work/life balance back in order.
Access your reports from anywhere.
3. See the data differently
Everyone has different ways they like to view their business data. Some people like graphical dashboards so they can visualise data, some like comparison reports that they can export to spreadsheets, and some like preconfigured linear reports. When setting up automated reporting through your Triniteq POS System Manager (PSM), you can choose the format in which your data is delivered to you, enabling you to analyse the data and make decisions faster.
"Automated reporting will help you to know and understand your business better and make informed future decisions based on solid data." - Shaun Munro, CEO Triniteq
4. Make more money
By automating your reports, you can quickly zero in on opportunities not being exploited in your business such as identifying the staff members or products making the most money, or products that are not moving which require more focus.
5. Increase the amount of data being tracked
As the world changes, those who can make informed decisions through data analysis, are better equipped to deal with uncertainty. When your reports are automated, you can choose to track more KPIs or dive deeper into the data to identify opportunities or risks that are not being addressed. By automating your reports, you will know more about your business.
"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” - Jack Welch
By automating your reports you will know more about your business.
6. Avoid spreadsheet errors
When creating spreadsheet reports manually, mistakes can easily happen which can have an impact on your decision-making ability. Avoid potential costly mistakes by automating your reporting. Reports are generated straight from Triniteq PSM using the data and criteria from your POS system.
7. Identify issues sooner
When reports are automated, the frequency they are generated can be increased making it easier to identify issues (such as staff, sales, costs etc) sooner. Reports that use the same settings and filters every time, and compare the same information, also make it easier to identify anomalies, allowing you to quickly take action.
Identify and address issues sooner by automating your reports.
8. Keep everyone in the know
Whether you run a small business or large organisation, businesses usually have multiple stakeholders who require different types of information. You might only need to generate a report once a month for your accountant or, for a large international franchise, there will probably be reports required for individual stores, the national head office, and possibly overseas to the main organisation. With automated reporting, you can set up each report with multiple email addresses and frequencies so that every stakeholder receives the information they need when they need it.
So how can you get your reports automated?
If you are a Triniteq customer running PSM or Sales manager and you don’t have automated reporting set up, contact us asap and we’ll help you to identify the best reports for your business and set them up within your software. PSM alone has over 70 preconfigured report options to choose from.
Not a Triniteq Customer?
If you’re not currently a Triniteq customer, automated reports are just one of the many features of Triniteq’s popular Point of Sale system and can be included as part of the set-up of a new Triniteq POS system. Contact us today to find out more or book a free demo.
Want cloud-based live reporting as well?
Triniteq’s new live reporting tool, Insights, is now available. Contact us for more information or to book a demonstration.
Need more info? Call us on 1300 784 666 or drop us an email .
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